Presentation: Tweet"Building three Hadoop clusters in a year (and why you should build one too)"
In this talk I will explain why it is that I spent the past year building Hadoop clusters for several clients in several markets. I will outline what the Apache Hadoop framework is from a technical point of view and I will explain why it could be as relevant as its popularity suggest, also from a technical and application perspective. There will be examples of what you can and cannot do with it and when it makes sense to use such a technology. And, last but not least, there will be cool things that you can try at home (or at your office, given time), because you should build a Hadoop cluster too! Code will be involved...
Keywords: Hadoop, Big Data, scalable processing, NoSQL, Cloud, Java
Target Audience: Developers and architects who agree that data is an asset which should be used to extract valuable information.
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